Jane Foster’s Mighty Thor Arrives in Marvel’s Avengers
Free Update for All Owners of Marvel’s Avengers Adds Jane Foster’s Mighty Thor to Growing Hero Roster
Watch the Marvel’s Avengers WAR TABLE Deep Dive – The Mighty Thor to learn about her comic origins, abilities, Heroics, and more!
Jane Foster’s Mighty Thor is now available as a playable Hero in Marvel’s Avengers, bringing the game’s roster of Heroes to 10 across all platforms and 11 including the PlayStation-exclusive Spider-Man.
The Mighty Thor brings a fresh way to experience the Mjolnir-wielding Goddess of Thunder either solo or with friends. Her unique movement and combat abilities are sure to be a great addition to any Strike Team taking on missions in the Avengers Initiative.
In Marvel’s Avengers, Jane Foster is the Mighty Thor: wielder of the legendary Mjolnir, guided by her strong conscience, determination, and skill as a doctor. In addition to managing her own cancer diagnosis, Jane resolved to fight for Inhumans after the A-Day accident, and Mjolnir called out to her. To her surprise, she lifted it with ease and was transformed into the Mighty Thor! While wielding her power, her cancer was held at bay, and she joined the Avengers when they reassembled to fight AIM.